The firm specializes in defence in all areas of criminal law, particularly what are known as white-collar crimes.
- Financial and corporate criminal law:
- Patrimonial.
- Insolvency.
- Corporate matters.
- Tax.
- Town and country Planning and environmental offences.
- Misuse of public office, bribery, embezzlement of public funds, fraud, influence peddling, etc.
- Money laundering.
- Defamation and invasion of privacy.
- Crimes against the person or violent crimes and sexual offences (homicide, rape, etc.).
- Public health offences.
- Professional negligence (medical negligence, accidents at work, etc.).
- Copyright and intellectual property.
- International criminal law:
- Extradition.
- European Arrest Warrant.
- Reports and legal opinions in any field of criminal and procedural law.
- Online reputation protection.
In Campaner Law we are aware that the online publication of negative content can easily and quickly destroy an individual or corporation´s reputation which they have built over many years. Therefore we offer our clients a swift and efficient service to protect their online reputation without the need to instigate proceedings before courts.